V/A - Out Here Alonehttp://www.sendspace.com/file/vjvkadThis was a comp put together when the Out Here Alone site was first launched. Has bands from all over the area in a lot of different genres. The artwork is terrible, so are some of the bands. Definitely some gems in there too though.
The Infomercials - DAEDSIECNIV
Boywunder - Time is not absolute
Last Tuesday - Late night news
Espenshade - 5 & 6 Overhead
Six South - Impatience
Kavanah Star - Up in arms
Dutchland Diesel - Your Town
Via Satellite - Different but same, no different but different
Movies With Heroes - Someday
Derringer - There is a gate way to hell along the banks of the susquehana
Run Run - For stiches
Decontrol - Failed before we start
The Driver - Break me open
Stratford - Tonight
Vincent Price's Orphan Powered Death Machine - Hand me the keys
Nowhere Quick - I/You
Unight - Drugs Suck
Sptsnz - Adventures in androgymy
The Virus - Nowhere to hide
Thinking Machines - 100 Years of firsts
One Perfect Crime - I wanna sin
Clancy 6 - The surgical removal of limbs part 1
The Gunshy - Always right
Empty Promises - Missed chances for homicide
Best Kept Lie - My life your lie
Allison Hill - The death of you